
A Place to Call Home

Leak Loss Protection Program

Water Leak

Beginning June 1, 2023, the City of Loretto offers protection against costly service bills caused by unexpected leaks, up to $1,000 coverage per occurrence. Residential coverage costs the customer $1.00 per month. This program is administered through ServLine.

In the event of a costly water bill caused by high water usage due to a qualifying leak or line break, the City of Loretto’s leak loss protection program covers the costly utility bill once the active cause of the leak has been repaired.

All eligible City of Loretto residential customers are automatically enrolled in our optional expanded Water Leak Loss Protection Program and charges will appear on your utility bill for June services (received in early July.) Multi-unit residential properties, including duplexes, are not eligible for coverage.

Call Servline Customer Service at 1-888-977-7182 to decline protection and accept full responsibility for all excess water charges caused by a leak.


  • One leak event per 12 month period
  • a leak event may include up to 2 billing cycles
  • the leak must generate a minimum additional charge of at least 2 times the average of the past 12 months' water charges
  • property owner must submit receipt for plumbing work (parts and/or labor) showing the leak was fixed



  • at premises left or abandoned without reasonable care for the plumbing system
  • residential customers who do not have their own water meter
  • commercial or industrial customers
  • leaks on irrigation systems or irrigation lines
  • leaks in water features such as fountains, etc.
  • leaks on any water lines coming off the primary water service line
  • plumbing leaks in any structure other than the primary residence
  • negligent acts such as leaving water running
  • excess water charges not directly resulting from a qualifying plumbing leak
  • filling of swimming pools, watering gardens, flooding an ice rink