Over the years, Loretto residents and businesses have benefited financially due to good, diligent maintenance practices and programs by Public Works which extended the life of the city’s infrastructure. However, many city streets and related utilities are entering the condition of being in need of significant improvements and in some cases full utility reconstruction. MOVING FORWARD In 2019, the City Council authorized completion of an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (see document link below) by Wenck Engineering which culminated in a list of projects for streets, wastewater, water and stormwater. The document gave the engineering framework to prioritize projects. In September of 2019, the city held a meeting open to the public to learn about the results of these studies. Wenck engineers, city staff and council members were there to answer any questions about this report. Capital Improvement Plans were introduced with a 5, 10, 15, and 20 year outlook of how projects would be prioritized based on need and cost. Participants walked away with a vision of what projects needed to be done, how they were prioritized and an estimated date for when each project would begin. Also attached below is a document (Street Ranking System with Map) with excerpts from the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan that explains how streets were prioritized. In 2020, the City Council contracted with Northland Public Finance for the development of a Long Term Financial Plan (see document link below). This financial plan lays out the framework for how the City can finance the prioritized infrastructure improvements over the next ten years. The financial plan was updated in 2023. The financing of these projects may result in increased taxes, utility fees and assessments. A representative of Northland Public Finance presented a draft of the updated financial plan to the city council at the August 8th council meeting. Watch the presentation: https://www.lmcc-tv.org/loretto.html Email Mary Schneider if you have any questions: mschneider@ci.loretto.mn.us |