
A Place to Call Home


Please see links below for various forms/permit applications available.

Completed forms/permit applications may be submitted to City Hall in the following ways:

In-person at Loretto City Hall, 279 Medina Street North, Suite 260, Loretto.

   Email      mschneider@ci.loretto.mn.us

 or Mail      City of Loretto

                PO Box 207

                Loretto MN  55357


Note About Demolitions

Contact Hennepin County at demo@hennepin.us to schedule a pre-demolition inspection to ensure regulated materials are removed prior to demolition per Hennepin County Ordinance 7 paragraph 2.07 B.

To help divert waste from landfills, Hennepin County has deconstruction grants available to homeowners and developers to deconstruct buildings to salvage building materials rather than demolish them.


Fillable Forms

When using one of the fillable forms below, they work best when opened in a pdf reader such as Adobe Reader. You may find the form is not fillable if trying to use it in your web browser.