
A Place to Call Home

Direct Payments of City Utility Bill

Residents and business owners may sign up for the city’s direct payment plan and have utility bills automatically deducted from a checking or savings account. No checks to write, no envelopes or stamps to buy, no stopping by City Hall with your check. Your bill is never late. It’s free, fast and easy! Complete and submit the authorization form below and include a voided check or deposit slip.

You'll still receive a monthly bill in the mail, but it will state "DO NOT PAY - AUTO DEDUCT ON DUE DATE".

Payments will be transferred on the 25th of each month (or soon after if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday.) You can cancel your authorization for automatic payment at any time. Simply notify us in writing of the cancellation.

To sign up for the direct payment plan, fill out and submit the Direct Payment Plan and Authorization-UTILITIES form found under the Helpful Info tab/Forms.